Wednesday, March 5, 2014

February in Review

I can't believe it's March already!  Especially because we are still dealing with the horrible cold and snow that we have had since December!  We've already taken the record in Chicago for the most days of measurable snow since they started recording and I'm pretty sure we are at least number 2 as the snowiest winters ever recorded.  But alas...after looking at the forecast, there is hope in site. A little bit of hope. I'll believe it when I see it. Everyone is getting grumpy. This winter has taken a toll on everyone!

Let's see how my February stacked up!

February in Review

Running Miles: 55.09
Swim Distance: 1,625 yards (2 swim days)
Crossfit Days: 4
Strength Training/Cross Training Days: 6
# of Workout Days this month: 18 (64%)
I had a few short term February goals.

1.  I worked out in January 65% of the month and wanted to increase that for February.  However, with 64% of February, that didn't quite happen.  I can say it was because some days I had to shovel instead of working out.  Some days, I just needed a rest day.  And when I was going to squeeze one in the last day of the month (Feb 28th), I started feeling a cold coming on and I had an 11 mile run scheduled the next day, so I chose to rest.  Life happens, and I'm ok with that.

2. Swim at least 1 time per week in February.  I only swam twice so I didn't reach that either.  Again, with life, it's hard to squeeze things in and I tried to make it on the weekends when I had more time, but then my day would get away from me.  I did complete the indoor triathlon on February 2nd for 625 yards, and I swam on Feb 23rd for 1,000 yards.  I was happy to squeeze that one in.

3. Do more cross training/strength training:  I did finish using my groupon for my Crossfit and I really enjoyed going.  I'm going to have to see what I want to do because, well, it's expensive.  I also threw in a couple other cross training days.  Now that crossfit is over, I have to try to do this on my own!

4. I wanted to run more mile in February than January but with less days and this brutal winter, it just didn't happen.  55 miles doesn't seem like a lot to me but it is what it is! 

Let's see what March brings me!  It's not starting off good as I've been sidelined with the flu or something.  I've been resting and it seems to be a bit better.  I know I'm not the only one that's been sick!  Here's wishing for a healthy and warmer March!


  1. Hope you feel better! I read that we've got another two weeks to get rid of our cold snap - I am so done with this weather!!

  2. I feel like I keep getting these nagging little colds all winter. Ugh. I'm ready for warmer temps so we can open the windows and get fresh air!


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