Wednesday, April 3, 2013

March in Review, April Goals, & Upcoming Races

I can't believe April is already upon us!  And that mostly it still feels like winter but spring seems to be wanting to creep in ...please spring!  Creep in!  March was much better than February for me as I kept my injuries at bay.


Total Run Miles: 87.46 (a far leap from the 11 miles I ran in February!)
Total Bike Miles: 20.75 miles + 4 spin classes
Total Swim Distance: 0 meters
I also did other workouts including but not limited to a yoga class and a kickbox cardio class

I'm pleased with my workouts for the month of March.  I was surprised my run miles got as high as they did but I think it was because I was already a few weeks into a half marathon training program when I started my running back up from my dislocated shoulder and tried to make up ground.


My main goal for April is to work on my financial budget.  I downloaded an app on my phone and it puts everything into very nice categories.  The couple areas I'm going to cut WAY back is on my lunches at work and Starbucks/7-11 downtown!  I got into a bad habit of going to those places!  So I'm trying to bring my lunches every day.  I may allow myself to eat out once a week but if it's not necessary, I won't do it.

Another thing which I've somehow failed at miserably this year was losing weight.  The year isn't over and I'm not giving up.  But I've gone up and down the same couple pounds since the beginning of the year.  Maybe with not eating out as much and buying those nonfat chai lattes at Starbucks and biscotti and gummy bears from 7-11 (hm...why haven't I lost weight??)...hopefully these changes will help financially and physically.


One of my favorite races is coming up this weekend, the Shamrock Shuffle 8k.  Originally my goal was to PR my previous 8k time (from the 2011 Shamrock Shuffle) which was 48:04.  However, with my surprising comeback 8k race in my hometown at the beginning of March, I already succeeded that goal with a new 8k PR of 46:23!  And you know what?  I'm getting tired of "racing"!!  I love to PR a race!  But the "racing" mentality is a hard one for me because, well, I don't like the feeling of complete exhaustion (like my lungs might explode) when I'm trying to beat these new PR times of mine (my bar is too high for me now!). 

I think what happened was the set back from my two shoulder dislocations in February.  I was feeling GREAT in January and BOOM!  So I'm incorporating speed work back in and, you know what?  It's hard! 

I think my goal for the Shamrock Shuffle is to just do my best.  If that means another PR, fantastic!  If not, I'm ok with that.  Plus, it's a pretty crowded course (even with the wave and corral starts).  We will see what happens!  I'm just looking forward to a good run!

Of course on the horizon are the IL Half in Champaign and the Indy half.  The Indy Half is supposed to be a goal race.  I try to make myself believe I can still do this (sub 2:00 hr) and it seemed more reachable with my 2:03 half in January.  Damn you February and the doubts you have instilled in me!  I'm still going to work hard and try to get back enough to PR that Indy half.  What happens will happen. 

And of course, I've got my Ragnar in June!!  I'm so excited for this race!  More to come in the future on this.  My Ragnar teammates have been awesome at helping put all this together!  I feel like such a slug in the group!  Big thanks!


  1. Good luck at the Shamrock Shuffle! Would like to hear how the financial app works for you and which one it is.

    1. Pete - the website is (or download app)

  2. My daughter Hannah works at the Panera on State Street - she has to be there at 5:45 in the morning on the Sunday because of the huge crowds from the race!

    I used a while ago - it links to your bank account and you can put stuff into categories. You just have to keep up with it, and I let it go.

    I worked with a woman who couldn't figure out how she and her husband were still living paycheck to paycheck when they both had great jobs. I told her about and she came back the next day and told me she and her husband had spent $1700 eating out in ONE month! Crazy!

    High of 48 on Sunday - should be great weather!

    1. Mine isn't as crazy as that! But like $150 at "coffee shops" is ridiculous! lol


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