Saturday, September 4, 2010

WI Results and HoneyBar Review

It's a bit chilly in the Chicago area today! Highs are not even getting into the 70's! When did fall move in! I want summer back!

I had my weigh in this morning. Lost 0.6 lbs. I guess I'm happy with that considering I was maintaining. I also lost 3.4 last week so that's 4 lbs in 2 weeks. How can I not be happy!

I won a giveaway the other day from Embracing Balance. It was a sampler package of HoneyBar granola bars! This is what it says about honeybars..."HoneyBars are great tasting snack bars that just "happen" to be healthy. They combine some of Mother Nature's tastiest ingredients, held together with ONLY honey."

I tried 3 different kinds: Nutty Apricot, Sweet & Salty, and the Organic Cranberry. They really are delicious. (Please note: HoneyBar is not paying me to say this!). They are filled with nuts and honey! So good! One thing I really liked about it was I could pronounce and I knew all of the ingredients! What a novel idea. :p

I went into the cabinet at work and looked at the ingredients in the granola bars there and there were at least 4-5 ingredients that I had no idea what they were.

For example, my favorite of the 3 I ate was the Sweet & Salty. Here are the ingredients:
Peanuts, honey, peanut butter, almonds, almond butter, crisp brown rice, kosher salt.

So thank you Jaime from Embracing Balance for having the giveaway and also the people from HoneyBar for allowing her to have the giveaway!

I have a family picnic to go to tomorrow. I will do the best I can. There are usually some healthy things to eat so I'll try to focus on that and just have fun!

What are your plans for Labor Day or the weekend in general?

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