Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Three Twenty Eight

Three Twenty Eight. Ante Meridiem. That's right. That's what time I woke up this morning.

3:28 A.M.

Why 3:28 you ask? Because I felt that 3:30 was too late and 3:25 was too early. At that time of the morning, EVERY MINUTE COUNTS! Do you do that too? Would you have just set the alarm for 3:25 and be done with it? I've always done this. 6:58 A.M. or 7:03 A.M. What can I say? I like sleep!

It was television day! My dad was featured on our local Channel 2 for a show called "Monsters and Money in the Morning." Uh...not sure where the monsters came in?

There was a possibility that I would be on there as well, but they did a different set-up then what my dad was expecting, so it was only him and his ice cream! I helped make those ice cream sundaes and splits though!

Here is the link if you would like to see my dad on TV (not that any of you know him)!

I was meeting my parents at their house and we were leaving by 4:15 A.M. I pulled up at 4:10 and all the lights were still off. Uh oh! That doesn't seem right!

I walk in the house and sure enough, they are all sleeping! What!?! Doesn't my dad know he is going to be on TV today? Here is the conversation:

Me: "Dad? Are you still sleeping? Aren't you getting up?"
Dad: "What are you doing here?"
Me: "Uh, you said we were leaving at 4:15? I think? Right?"
Dad: "Sh&T! It's later than I thought."

lol. My parents are so funny! Thank goodness I was meeting them at home! Can you imagine if he overslept!?!

So due to all the excitement yesterday afternoon and night, I was a munch-a-holic! I totally flipped a lid and ate everything in my site.

This morning has not fared too much better, but I'm planning a run tonight, so maybe I can work some of it off. That run will come after my nap, which will come after I leave work!

I got to work at 7:15 A.M. today instead of the normal 9:00 A.M. I mentioned this to my boss yesterday and asked if I came in early, if I could possibly leave early and he said it wouldn't be a problem. So I'll re-mention that to him later. I really really need a nap!

Here were just a few pictures I snapped while setting up this morning at the TV studio. I didn't snap too many pictures because I didn't want to look like a weirdo!

This is across from the CBS Studios. Unfortunately there was scaffolding outside. I work right across the street from here and there usually isn't scaffolding.

In the hall outside the studio entrance. They were "On Air". lol

My mom and dad setting up! Don't tell my mom, she hates pictures!


  1. That is so cool! (pun intended) How in the world do you stay thin when your dad has an ice cream and chili shop? Oh my.

  2. Kelly, I don't go that often. Just once in a his restaurant. And he can fix me special order stuff if I want. I have 1 scoop of ice cream on occasion when I'm there. I can't live without ice cream!

  3. Very cool! Now see you've got you page all unique and pretty! Wonderful!

  4. Anonymous8/26/2010

    I have no idea why they call that show Monsters and Money - so crazy! Off to check it out - how cool is that?!


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